Saturday, May 16, 2009

What We Miss About Prostate cancer


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Abd Rahman Md Desa said...

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Healthtec Software said...

Prostate cancer is painful and hard to deal with.But there is more treatment now than before and I am sure the recent times will see better remedies.

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Anonymous said...

Seems like a permanent cure for prostrate cancer is going to take a long time. Men are also not able to detect this disease at an early stage because the symptoms such as difficulty in urination, increased frequency of urination (especially at night), pain while passing urine, pain in the lower abdomen and back etc can be confused with some other disorder. Lately, the government and other medical health organizations are trying to spread awareness regarding this disease in a bid to cure it. Also there are many researches underway which are trying to come up with a medicine. However, the vaccine sipuleucel-T for prostrate cancer has grabbed the headlines as it had the potential to develop immunity against this disease. More at

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Prostate Cancer


Link To Other Cancer Sites


